Maintain Optimum Gum Health: Know the Importance of Scaling & Root Planing to Keep Gum Disease At Bay!  

Gum disease is common in almost 60% of adults 65 and older in Fort Myers. Such type of periodontal disease affects approx 50% of men and 35% of women. Hence, obtaining professional dental cleaning daily from the best dental care in Fort Myters is vital. Gum diseases, a prevalent condition, often cause tooth loss among adults, which starts with accumulating a sticky film of bacteria and plaque on the teeth. 

When not cleaned through daily flossing and brushing, it solidifies into tartar, finally leading to gingivitis. It’s the primary stage of gum disease. However, professional cleanings have been the best way to maintain a more appealing and healthier smile for years. In case you are one of the 50% of Americans suffering from acute gum diseases, considering scaling & root planing is recommended.

Scaling & Root Planing: Overview

This non-surgical dental process is suggested for adults with average to acute gum disease. As it’s pretty invasive, patients are sometimes given general anesthesia. In a few instances, dentists also sedate the patients if they seem anxious about it. During the process, tooth scaling is done first by thoroughly pulling out any plaque visible on your teeth before switching your attention to eliminating any bacteria, plaque, or food remnants from the periodontal pockets. These intense cleaning processes target tartar & plaque accumulation underneath the gum line, which can’t be achieved by daily flossing and brushing. Scaling involves rubbing off these deposits from the root surfaces & teeth, while root planing relieves the roots, accelerates healing & prevents further accumulation of detrimental bacteria.

Why is Scaling & Root planning beneficial for Patients with Gum Disease?

A wide array of reasons are illustrated below why tooth scaling & root planing are necessary for patients with gum disease. The benefits are the following:

  • Improved oral health – Everyone desires a gum without any gum problems. Hence, there must not be any plaque buildup that may further cause cavities to grow. Your gums & teeth will be in optimum condition after scaling & root planing, and you will never have to go through pesky symptoms, including bad breath. 
  • Prevents disease progression – The significant benefit of this procedure is its capability of ceasing the advancement of gum disease. By eliminating tartar & plaque underneath the gums, these processes deter the cause of infection & inflammation. 
  • Get a more appealing smile – If you want to smile more freely & confidently, scaling & root planning can sustain your million-dollar smile. It’s due to the removal of superficial stains. After the procedure, your gums will look normal and less swollen. 
  • Impedes tooth loss – The newly discovered gum disease may cause tooth loss because of the demolition of the supporting bone & tissue. But the quick intervention of tooth scaling & root planing can, therefore, protect your teeth by staving off the condition of tooth extraction. 

When is Tooth Scaling & Root planning recommended?

Tooth scaling & root planing are recommended when a patient shows acute gum disease signs, which can’t be resolved without daily professional cleanings. Below are the scenarios when these professional services are recommended:

  • Being a part of a periodontal maintenance program – For those with periodontal disease, scaling & tooth root planing would be a standard part of a daily maintenance program to stave off gum diseases. 
  • Deep gum pockets – Ordinary gum pockets are usually 1-3 mm deep. If it surpasses the range, plaque & tartar accumulate underneath the gum line, indicating the importance of these services for optimum gum health.


Never allow gum diseases to compromise your precious smile and overall health. These treatments fix quick issues, such as bleeding & inflammation, and provide long-lasting advantages by blocking the progression of the disease. Hence, thorough dental check-ups integrated with adequate hygiene norms are vital to ensuring lasting efficiency of scaling & root planing.