A cervical cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and no one can ever be prepared fully for what is to come. Everyone deals with a cancer diagnosis their way, but the most important thing is discovering what helps you cope. Anxiousness, worry, hopelessness, and fear are some of the feelings associated with the diagnosis. You can manage your fear and shock by taking steps to control the situation. Here is how to cope with a cervical cancer diagnosis.

Get the facts right about your diagnosis.

Doctors recommend Hong Kong cervical cancer screening since it helps detect abnormal cells in the cervix early. A positive result doesn’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer, which is why a doctor performs a further examination to ascertain the diagnosis. Ultimately, if diagnosed with cervical cancer, one of the things to do is get the facts right about your diagnosis.

Some of the questions to ask include:

  • What kind of cancer do I have?
  • What is the stage?
  • Can it be treated, and what are my treatment options?
  • What is the side effect of the treatment?
  • Will my family be affected?
  • Is the cancer likely to recur after treatment?

Bringing in a family member or trusted friend is advisable to help you remember what the doctor says and come to terms with the diagnosis. You should also consider how much you want to know about your diagnosis. While some people want to know all the details and facts, others prefer to know little and leave the rest to the professionals. Think about what works best for you emotionally and inform your doctor.

Find someone to talk to

It is normal to feel isolated after a cervical cancer diagnosis, especially if your loved ones are trying to protect you from bad news or putting up a string front. But the best thing you can do is keep your lines of communication open. Find someone to talk to, whether a family or friend, and express your emotions openly. You may gain strength by openly discussing your situation with a loved one.

Anticipate changes

Learning about cervical cancer can help you anticipate physical and emotional changes to prepare better. Ask your doctor about the cancer diagnosis and treatment to prepare yourself to cope later. Cancer treatment is likely to cause physical changes like hair loss, and certain hairpieces like wigs may make you feel comfortable and attractive. 

Thankfully your health insurance may be able to pay for adaptive devices like wigs and prostheses to endure cancer treatment side effects better. You should also consider how the treatment will affect your daily life and ask your doctor whether you can continue your routine. 

Typically you may have to spend more time in the hospital, especially if diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer. You should also expect frequent medical appointments, and it is best to make arrangements in advance.

Think about your finances

A cervical cancer diagnosis will impact your finances in one way or another. Your cancer treatment may require you to take a leave from work and spend many days away from home. Consider the costs of cancer treatment, medication, medical devices, consultations, transport, and parking fees at the hospital. Your diet is also likely to change, which is another extra cost. 

Your insurance may cover your cancer treatment costs, but you have to plan for the out-of-pocket costs you will incur during the treatment. Luckily many hospitals keep a list of resources that can help you cope with the financial burden of cancer treatment, for instance, the Hong Kong cancer fund.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve your energy levels and your body’s ability to fight the cancer. Adopt a healthy diet consisting of various foods and plenty of vitamins and fruits to boost your immune system. You should also get sufficient rest and enough sleep to cope better with the fatigue and emotional stress of the cancer treatment. Taking regular exercises and practicing your hobbies can also help you cope with the treatment better and live longer.

Most importantly, try to maintain a normal lifestyle. Even if your future is uncertain, planning can sometimes be too overwhelming and stressful, so it is best to be easy on yourself. Take one day at a time, try to maintain your routine, and be open to adjusting as need be.

Review your priorities and goals

Although Hong Kong cervical cancer screening helps detect signs of cancer early, no one is ever prepared for the diagnosis. A cervical cancer diagnosis can trigger significant adjustments in your daily life, which is why it is crucial to determine what matters in your life. Take your time to review your priorities and goals and make more time for what gives you the most meaning. 

Cancer impacts all your relationships, and finding a new openness with loved ones may help you cope. Communicating more with your loved ones can reduce the anxiety, stress, and worry that come with cancer treatment.

Fight stigmas

Cancer stigmas still exist, and you may be surprised that some people wonder whether it is contagious. Your friends may retreat for fear of saying the wrong thing, while your colleagues may wonder if you are strong enough to do your job. All in all, many people close to you will have many questions and concerns. Know how to fight stigmas and remind people that the cancer shouldn’t make them afraid to be around you.

Join a support group

When dealing with a cancer diagnosis, it may feel as if people who haven’t been in the same situation don’t understand how you are feeling. In that case, it helps to talk and interact with other cancer survivors who can share their experiences. You can connect with them through support groups which is more accessible thanks to the internet.

Find your coping strategy.

Last but not least, develop your coping strategy. It could be setting time to be alone, sharing your feelings, reconnecting with your spiritual self, meditation, keeping a journal, or getting involved in leisure activities.