Infertility and the Implications of a Diminished Reverse Potential

Diminished Ovarian Reserve describes infertility problems arising from a loss of your reproductive potential. It is quite prevalent, affecting 10 to 30% of women with infertility problems. Nova Vita Wellness Center emphasizes early detection to avoid egg donation for people with a Diminished Ovarian Reserve Mountain View. Here is what you need to know about the condition.

What causes a loss of reproductive potential?

Multiple factors may cause the loss of reproductive potential. Age is the leading reason the quality and quantity of eggs diminish with time. The problem usually occurs between the ages of 25 and 40.

However, the symptoms can vary between patients. Habits like smoking can diminish your reproductive potential. Surgical procedures for endometriosis could damage tissues, affecting your ovarian reserve.

The risk for diminished ovarian reserve may increase after undergoing a cancer treatment that exposes you to radiation. Some patients choose to retrieve and freeze their eggs before the procedure. The eggs are re-implanted into the uterus after the treatment process.

Diagnostic tests

An ovarian reserve test is conducted to assess your reproductive potential. The diagnostic process may involve blood tests and ultrasound. Nonetheless, your assessment results do not guarantee you can get pregnant. You can discuss expectations and concerns with your provider before commencing treatment.

A blood test is crucial for evaluating how your body will respond to treatment. The results will show whether an IVF or hormone stimulation therapy is effective.

Your blood sample can indicate your body’s response to medication. You may take the prescription at the beginning of your cycle and after assessing the follicle-stimulating hormone. The levels are measured later to check your reaction to certain drugs.

An ultrasound generates quality images to assess the quality and quantity of antral follicles. Antral follicles are fluid-filled sacs in your ovaries, with each sac containing one egg. The test is performed at the beginning of your cycle. The sacs indicate the number of viable eggs available for fertilization.

Treatment options

There are no treatments that can reverse your loss of ovary function and reproductive potential. However, your provider can still apply therapeutic methodologies if the diagnostic tests indicate a diminished reproductive potential.

You can improve your chances of conceiving in several ways including:

Cryopreservation: Cryopreservation involves freezing eggs in a specialized liquid nitrogen storage for a future pregnancy. Your provider may recommend the option if you have a high risk of losing your reproductive potential. You may also choose cryopreservation if you plan to undergo cancer treatment or endometriosis procedures. The eggs can be retrieved in the future when you are ready to get pregnant.

IVF with donor eggs: You may also want to consider using donor eggs if the diagnostic tests show an irreversible loss in ovarian function. The process involves In-Vitro fertilization using eggs from young and healthy donors. IVF has a high success rate and offers the best outcomes for women infertility problems due to a diminished reproductive potential. 

Contact Nova Vita Wellness Center to learn more about their cutting-edge fertility treatments today.